Donation 1

Annual Report

Supporting social causes

At Pass It On we support social causes. Our priority is homes for the elderly and homes for people with disabilities.

Search for new methods and ways way to support initiatives

If you have a home that needs support and needs our help, contact us. We will take care of it.

Fundraising and supplies

We often have to help homes with products that are necessary for their well-being. In our report you will see a detailed account of the work done.

Documents for download

Give Natak Foundation Report for 2022
Give Natak Foundation Report for 2021
Give Natak Foundation Report for 2020

Имаме нужда от теб, за да
може щастието да съществува.

Инициатива и организация с нестопанска цел, помагаща на домове за възрастни хора и хора с увреждания.