Today, we were contacted by Georgi Dimitrov – a friend and supporter who advocates our every cause. Georgi and the company he works for – Amadeus Bulgaria, have started an initiative to collect funds for Ukrainian people in need. The aim of this collection is to urgently provide essential medicine and sanitary supplies.
Our generation is facing an unprecedented and unfathomable time. A time when hope and faith in waking up tomorrow are put to the test, and only the good in people can give courage and strength that normalcy will return.
People in Ukraine need our compassion and support because there is nothing worse than war. War in the 21st century!!!
Your help, even minimal, will be highly appreciated!
Try to imagine how you would feel if you were in the shoes of an ordinary Ukrainian person at this moment, a person who has no home, doesn’t know if his loved ones will survive, has only a small bag on his back and prays to reach the border of a nearby country without being stricken by a bomb to leave his wife and two children there in safety. This sounds like an action movie, except that the plot is unclear and the fate of the main character is undetermined. That main character could be every one of us tomorrow!
Your humanity depends on you!
Make a donation, and your good deed will repay you!
The funds will be used for purchasing medicine, baby food and diapers. Everything will be transported to the Romanian border with Ukraine and handed over to a local non-governmental organization or an official representative.
MONETARY DONATION, which the PAY FORWARD FOUNDATION will use for the purchase of medicine, baby food and diapers.
If you wish to help – choose a voucher from the Do-good bank (Добродетелницата). Once you select an amount, you can choose how many vouchers you wish to donate on the next page. You can make a donation directly via a credit or debit card, ePay, EasyPay or BPay, or if you wish – via a bank transfer, using the donation number from the request.
For bank transfers, please include the following information in the Reference field:
“Together for Ukraine”
Pay Forward Foundation
IBAN: BG92UNCR70001523955423
A non-profit organization helping homes for the elderly and disabled.
Make a donation to the Foundation’s account and please indicate what you would like the donation to be used for:
Pay Forward Foundation
IBAN: BG92UNCR70001523955423
Made with love and code by Fundamental Studio