



What is the Pay Forward initiative for you?
Opportunity to do good and a chance to meet like-minded people with whom you have a common goal – to make the world a better place. And also an incubator of ideas, messages and initiatives!

“Pay Forward” is a small part of the heart of every person who, when united, help the whole of Bulgaria in various fields and sectors.

What is the emotion of running a Pay Forward workshop? You have been participating for the second year.
It’s inspiring! And fun! The participants and the leaders of the workshops are also having fun. The energy that is felt in the hall during the event is very positive and gives hope – hope that the good exists and that there are people who are ready to pass it on. And to set an example to our children of how important it is to be empathetic to others.

Are there any causes that have particularly touched you?
Yes, the cause of helping the elderly from the Northwest – it has become part of the causes that I support with the activities I have been developing for the last year – team building with a cause in support of Bulgarian villages.

What are your ways of paying forward?
There are many ways and I often do it completely spontaneously – alas, nowadays there are so many people who need support – sick children, the socially disadvantaged, the elderly … Alas, less and less these vulnerable groups rely on social policy. the state and began to rely on charity. Which to me is a symptom that there is a need for change.

… In fact, everything I do is dedicated to one of the causes I have chosen for my mission – the preservation of Bulgarian nature and traditions, Bulgarian villages, children in need.

At Christmas we made a company Christmas party with one of the teams of A1 – we put a donation box and to our surprise raised over BGN 250! With the funds we bought Christmas food packages for 10 socially disadvantaged and elderly people in the Chiprovtsi village of Prevala, which I brought personally.




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Swag to wear

Swag to wear

Volunteer registration

Volunteer registration

Snacks & lunch

Snacks & lunch

Fundraising support

Fundraising support