Why do you donate to Pay Forward?
I learned about Pay Forward from Joro and Vanya. I was impressed by how committed and inspired they were to help. Later I realized that they have specific causes and goals – I knew exactly who and how I could help. I have great confidence in the organization and I am happy to donate because I see that they invest a lot of thought, love and energy.
What is your way of passing on?
I believe that when one has the opportunity, one should help those in need – financially or with time. In this way, we improve someone’s situation at least a little, and we make our society a little better in general.
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A non-profit organization helping homes for the elderly and disabled.
Make a donation to the Foundation’s account and please indicate what you would like the donation to be used for:
Pay Forward Foundation
IBAN: BG92UNCR70001523955423
Made with love and code by Fundamental Studio