What is the Pay Forward initiative for you?
A wonderful cause that gives us the opportunity to express our commitment to people in need.
We like Pay Forward because people who care, act and can be trusted are gathered in one place; selected and inspected homes for the elderly and children with disabilities to help them.
Very good and professional preparation for causes through workshops and other initiatives!
Without you, we would not be able to help so many causes for our Christmas campaign for 2019 🙂 Tell us more about how you manage to help causes like ours.
“A bird doesn’t spring” and we know it. That is why we undertook another strategy – we addressed a message to the entire transport industry in Bulgaria, introducing them to the causes and pain of people in need in homes. Many transport companies responded and provided free transport, and in this way we were able to provide transport to all homes.
What is the most difficult, and what is not so difficult when it comes to participating in and supporting causes?
We believe in the goodness of people. The difficult moment we see in people is that they understand the need for help, but it is difficult for them to take the first step towards personal action. It is not enough just to think but also to act!
What are your ways to pass on?
We know the law of the UNIVERSE – first give and then you will receive.
This rule is as strong as gravity, and we act in this way in all our endeavors.
I am giving an example with us (Mitko and Rosen) – we have become recognizable in our industry, the image among our colleagues has increased, they have started inviting us to be speakers at various events. As I like to say, from SPEDITORS we have become LECTURERS.
How do you envision Pay Forward as a development? What do you advise us to add as causes, ways of donating, initiatives? And be careful as you advise us, because we will count on your cooperation 🙂
In a working meeting with Pay Forward, a brilliant idea was born – Summer Festival of Causes…. But here Joro will tell you more 🙂
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A non-profit organization helping homes for the elderly and disabled.
Make a donation to the Foundation’s account and please indicate what you would like the donation to be used for:
Pay Forward Foundation
IBAN: BG92UNCR70001523955423
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